Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Full Moon has Risen. Will We?

Image by darksouls1 on pixabay

Lately the energy has been wild. There’s been a fire in my head and my belly. All this planning and praying and creating has been intense.

I’ve had to step back beyond this cauldron of creation I’ve been in so I can see more clearly. My enthusiasm had me planning to do too much at once. I want to fuel the fire, not burn it out. And so as I got more reflective, the moon came to mind.

The moon’s pull is powerful. It affects our bodies, ocean tides and the Earth’s crust. Its pull isn’t just physical, though. Humans have been intrigued by the moon’s presence throughout history. We are drawn to its mysterious comings and goings. It looms large in our psyche and appears in our art and literature. There is much myth and magic surrounding this celestial body. Somehow it seems to hold something we need.

The current full moon is called Full Flower Moon or Full Blessing Moon. May is a time of flowering, a time of blessings on our Earth…at least in the Northern Hemisphere where I reside. The moon helps things grow. It moves us in many ways. This is the growing season. This is the season when things rise. This full moon has risen. Will we?

I ask this because the energy of Nature is behind us now. And we need to rise up out of our collective dark night. The Feminine is rising, has been, which is why there is so much backlash against women and nature. It’s time to let Her rise within us all. She has already captured the imagination of many. Now we must let Her take the lead. It is time to release this eternal presence into our experience so it may transform the world we have made into the one it truly is.

I feel pulled to do something. I’m not sure exactly what that is. Maybe it’s all about doing what I’m pulled to do in any given moment. So I will continue to move in the direction of helping women writers. I will continue to write what rises up. I will allow myself be moved by the Sacred Feminine. She is Wisdom and She resides within me.

The moonlight is healing us in ways we can only begin to imagine. It does this by moving us. The full moon has risen already. Will we?