Friday, July 19, 2019

The Existential Storm

Photo by Mysticsartdesign on pixabay

Each day passes into the next. As the Earth spins round, facing the sun and then turning away, a day passes. We put numbers on this and call it time, but it’s really movement.

Music moves us and in long pieces, is broken into movements. There is movement in stories as they progress and we call collective action for change a movement. And change itself is movement. It is the act of becoming something else.

And so the day becomes night becomes day. We come from light, become flesh and pass into other forms and into light again. We are ever becoming. We are the light of being moving through the Universe in this form and then that form and then…

All is movement except the stillness at the center of everything. What moves is born from stillness and so I find myself rendered still by so much passing. Maybe it’s just that I’m getting older and feel the passing more. Maybe there simply is more passing, more leaving, more changing than us humans have ever experienced.

Stillness is being. Sometimes we just have to be with what is. What is moving through my consciousness? What is moving through my life? I can’t know unless I’m still for a moment. Then it all comes rushing in and it’s like I’m in the eye of some existential storm. I see all that is happening and yet, if I remain still, I’m in peace and all I need to know rises to meet me right where I am.

I’m passing, too. I touch the stillness to know it’s okay. I let the stillness move me and having known it, I am able to pass into the storm, join the story and ride the feelings that come with all this passing away.

And day moves into night moves into day…

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