Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Born Again Through the Word

Photo by naturalpastels on pixabay

I bring my experience to the page. It is here the Great Work plays out for me. I live and die on the page in order to be born anew.

The book Lessons from a Lifetime of Writing stared back at me from the shelf so I picked it up. In it David Morrell asks his writing students why they write. They are stunned and when they answer they miss the truth. He suggests they write because they have to. I’ve heard this before. Is it my truth? Yes.

That same day The History of Magic by Eliphas Lévi made itself obvious. I was drawn to the chapter “Initiations and Ordeals” which was already bookmarked. It was about the Great Work, that inner journey to transform ourselves and our lives.

Why did these two books come to my attention? I believe it has to do with the type of writing I’m to do. I wrote about what Nature had to teach me yesterday on the Nature Is My Guru blog. Nature simply expresses itself. But it’s not straight expression, there is intention behind it. What I write isn’t just straight expression. Well, my journal may be, but I’m transmuting my experience in much of what I write and share.

And why am I transmuting it through words? Because it is healing for me. If it is healing for me, it may be healing for others. To be healed is to reveal our wholeness. To be healed is to be born again. This is the Great Work. To know ourselves again, for the first time. To know the world with our heart. To know we have the power to create because we are that which creates all.

My words are full of life, my life. My emotion expressed is what moves others. Life is motion. Death is letting go into stillness. Stillness is the place of possibility.

I put pen to paper and begin again.

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