Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Freedom is Fearlessness

Photo by DanielReche on pixabay

Freedom is fearlessness. It is only from this place of freedom that you can find true fulfillment. The Sufi teacher, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee says, “Real freedom means never knowing what is going to happen, and never resisting change.”

I used to think freedom was about doing what you wanted, but that kind of freedom is limited. I wanted certainty and often found myself resisting the very change that would allow me to be free.

And what is true fulfillment? What fulfills me?

It feels good to contribute and help others. I feel as though I do that with my writing and just creating gives me a sense of following my bliss.

But there is a deeper desire that goes beyond a sense of contribution and feelings of bliss. That desire is to know Love, to be connected to Source and completely let go of any needs. It is to know you are already filled. To be in the embrace of Love is to not want or wish but to simply be.

From this place of true freedom, fearlessness and fulfillment our lives fulfill the greater purpose of Love. We become the living light, a beacon even in the darkest night.

There is no path, only the one you create as you go. Others can be examples and we can learn from them, but their path is not ours. We must stand on the edge of creation and let our hearts, let Love guide us. We must look into the abyss and trust. It is with each step we create the ground beneath our feet, and it is holy.

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